AUDIBLE THINK 2007 Schedule (revised!! AGAIN)

The Audible Think Improvised Music Series at Gallery X, New Bedford, MA:

Winter/Spring 2007:

Wed, Feb 7 Andy McWain (pno)/Joe Morris (bass)/Chris Poudrier (dr)

Wed Feb 21 Forbes Graham (trumpet) with Daniel Levin (cello)

Wed Mar 7 Reuben Radding (bass), NYC

Wed Mar 21 Kevin Frenette 4: Kevin Frenette (gtr)/Andy McWain (pno)/Todd Keating (bass)/Tatsuya Nakatani (dr)

Wed Apr 4: Branch/Riordan/Sexton: (Jaimie Branch, trumpet; Marc Riordan, drums/piano; Joe Sexton, saxophones), Chicago; with Kevin Davis solo cello (opening)

Wed Apr 18 Rich Greenblatt/Steve Langone's "Batterie":
Rich Greenbnlatt (vib)/Steve Langone (dr)/Rick DiMuzio (sax)/Bruno Raberg (bass)

Wed May 2 Jack Wright on saxophone; Ben Wright on bass; Katt Hernandez on violin

Wed May 16 1st set: TBA
2nd set: Jorrit Dijkstra (saxophone/lyricon), Ted Reichman (accordion) and Eric Rosenthal (drums)?

JUN-JUL-AUG: Summer concerts by announcement only....

Directions to GALLERY X and the Audible Think Improvised Music Series
From Providence/Conn/NYC: Take 95N to I-195 east, take exit 15 (Downtown, Rte. 18) south. Follow Rte. 18 south and take a right at the second set of lights (Union St.). Continue up Union St. to the top of the hill and take a right onto County St. Then take the next right onto William Street. Gallery X is the first white church on the left.

From Boston and points north: Take 93S to 24S to 140S to I-195 east, take exit 15 (Downtown, Rte. 18) south. Follow Rte. 18 south and take a right at the second set of lights (Union St.). Continue up Union St. to the top of the hill and take a right onto County St. Then take the next right onto William Street. Gallery X is the first white church on the left.

From Cape Cod and points east: Take Rt-6 to Rt-25 to I-195 west, take exit 15 (Downtown, Rte. 18) south. Follow Rte. 18 south and take a right at the second set of lights (Union St.). Continue up Union St. to the top of the hill and take a right onto County St. Then take the next right onto William Street. Gallery X is the first white church on the left.

GALLERY X, 169 William Street, New Bedford, Massachusetts, USA; Tel: 508-992-2675


Gallery X closed in January

Happy New Year 2007! Lots of great things lined up for Feb to May of this year, with special concerts during the summer.... STAY TUNED!!!